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About Us

Committed to introducing a healthier future.

Chammy EMS was established by Saskia van Dijk, Luka Schoen, Sander Boxsem, and Mariëlle Boxsem-Aarts. We possess diverse backgrounds, contributing to the excellence of Chammy EMS through our varied skills. Embracing diversity is fundamental to our success, and our collective passion for dance, sports, and technology unites all our best ideas.

Secluded Fitness Studio

Our Story

Chammy EMS strives to support a healthy, pain-free lifestyle for everybody. As healthcare becomes more urgent and important, we lead increasingly busy lives, and obesity and chronic pain are turning into major health issues, exercising has to become easily accessible. 


Chammy EMS offers a unique experience as we introduce EMS to you as Training Technology, Wellness, and Medical Aid. Visit our Experience Centre to find the perfect EMS Technology for your body and needs. When you purchase directly from us, we will provide extensive education on the best usage for you. Join our training program and take the first steps towards a healthier lifestyle with us.

Meet the Team


Founder & CEO

Sander Boxsem 이완성

Sander Boxsem is a Korean adoptee, raised in the Netherlands, who specialises in import and export. Through Korean Cosmetics and EMS Technology sales in Europe, he combines his love for trade with his Korean heritage.


Founder & Director of Operations

Saskia van Dijk

Saskia is the owner and founder of Saskia's Dansschool, her dance and fitness studio. In her classes, she applies her extensive knowledge of the human body, training its muscles, and how to be the best version of yourself. 


Founder & Director of Sales

Mariëlle Boxsem-Aarts

Mariëlle grew up as a high-performing professional national athlete. Exercising has always been a must in her daily routine, as it ensures she stays physically and mentally fit for her job as a Change Management Consultant.


Founder & Director of Sports

Luka Schoen

Luka is a qualified professional dancer and event manager. She teaches dance classes to students of all ages and abilities. Luka creates our EMS training programmes and teaches on- and offline sessions. 

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